May 29th through June 14th

“Soars with a timely relevance!"
— Culture Fix

Critic’s Pick! (out of 3,300 productions) 
“The Best Theater at the Festival!"
—the London Times

 “It is a story that matters now more than ever, as far right politics once again stalks our world.” 
—The Scotsman

“As embodied by Jodie Markell, Leni vamps it up like some Weimar diva with the countenance of a mid-period Fassbinder heroine” 
— The List

Critic’s Pick! 
“Here are our favorite shows”!
London Daily News

Whether you encounter Tom Noonan through his writing, his performance or his direction, the result is the same – you will look at the performing arts in a way that’s more honest and intense than it was before.

– Jim Parsons